Changer de nom, de prénom, pour une meilleure intégration ?

Publié le par DIMA, VIPS

White masks/Muslim names: immigrants and name-changing in Sweden Shahram Khosravi


Names carry strong ethnic and religious connotations and reveal an individual’s affiliation to a specific group. When a religious or ethnic group is stigmatised, the relationship between names and social stigma becomes explicit. For Muslims, names and veils are the two most conspicuous signifiers of their stigmatised identity. Some believe that covering their Muslim identity with Swedish-sounding or ‘neutral’ European names will facilitate their individual integration into society. Based on empirical findings, examining application forms for name-changing and interviews with name-changers, this article offers an exploratory analysis of the reasons, expectations and effects of surname-changing among immigrants with Muslim names. It examines the extent to which the changes reflect the impact of social disadvantage and anti-Muslim sentiment in Sweden.

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